During this phase, the project focused on exploring the unique aspects of creating purpose-driven housing for older adults in rural, small-urban and medium-urban sized communities. Northumberland County and Peterborough are both important case studies because they represent common trends occurring across communities in Canada. Trends include an aging population, limited diversity of housing stock and growing concerns with affordability. While this confluence of factors requires solutions to allow older adults to age in place, the literature focuses primarily on urban centres. As a result, this literature and statistical review is complemented by interviews with service providers in the two case study communities.
The result of this phase is a report, Rural and Urban Geographies: Exploring the strengths and constraints of rurality for older adult housing in Northumberland County and Peterborough. The focus of the report reflects the opportunities and constraints presented within the development of a hub-model in smaller or rural communities. Some of these include social engagement, mobility, sense of belonging, and access to services and amenities. While findings recognize that smaller communities share certain characteristics, differences also need to be acknowledged. Many descriptions of these communities can rely on romanticization or oversimplifications of life in these communities, therefore a more complex and nuanced understanding of particular communities is required to create housing solutions. The people and places described as medium-sized, small or rural are as complex as the large urban centres and have their own unique identities which shape needs for housing, aging in place, and social engagement initiatives.

During this phase input was sought from older adults living in the community through a workbook. The findings of this workbook, coupled with information gathered from interviews with service providers completed in Phase 2, will guide the project in developing a prototype for an older adult housing model. Questions in the workbook focused on four topic areas, including: 1) Understanding the local and rural context; 2) Housing Choices, affordability and tenure; 3) Community and care, and; 4) Home and design.
Overall, 28 older adult participants offered their time to complete the workbook and provide invaluable insights into daily life circumstances, needs, and preferences. While this sample cannot be viewed as representative of older adults living in Peterborough and Northumberland, it does provide a snapshot of actual older adults who live in this region, including their lifestyles, living preferences, and aspirations for the future. Of the 28 participants, 9 live in the medium population centre of Peterborough, 13 in small population centres in Northumberland County, and 5 in rural Northumberland, with 1 unknown location.
During this phase, the project sought input and feedback from older adults and housing professionals through two focus groups. The focus groups focused on two themes and respective research goals, based on the information gathered through previous project phases. The first, Home & Design, looked to examine the priorities and needs for older adult housing, specifically surrounding the design of housing, as well as priorities for amenities and services. Discussion was focused as feedback to a draft version of a purpose-driven housing model for older adults. The second, Community & Daily Life, focused on understanding how to design older adult housing in a way that incorporates what meaningful community participation or meaningful engagement means to older adults, including understanding opportunities for social interaction, community involvement, learning, purpose, and/or sharing.
The feedback and discussion received from the focus groups have helped the project better understand older adults’ lived experience as well as housing professionals understandings. These learnings will guide the project in refining the first draft of an older adult housing model, which framed the focus group discussion.
Overall, 10 older adults participants and 10 housing professionals offered their time for the respective focus groups. Older adults provided valuable insights into the research questions based on their lived experiences with housing in the region, and housing professionals shared insights from their perspective on their experiences with building, providing, and regulating housing in the region.
The project concluded with the activities and outcomes completed in Phase 5, including the finalization of the Housing Model, creating urban and rural Test Cases, developing the Roadmap, and detailing the project process undertaken within the Toolkit.
The Housing Model is a culmination of the inputs received throughout the project, in particular through the project’s co-creation activities. Requirements for the housing development from the Phase 1 and 2 research and interviews were combined with housing and activity preferences from the Phase 3 workbooks in order to create a list of spaces that were required. The requirements were then translated into the first draft of the Housing Model in Phase 4. It was then shared with focus group participants, and following their feedback turned into the final version in Phase 5, which was adapted into hypothetical development scenarios.
The Toolkit outlines the Lab activities and methods undertaken during the course of this project specifically to engage potential end users and service providers. Its purpose is to explain how the Lab methodology, including research, co-creation and project outcomes, relate to each other. Taking the learnings from the Solutions Lab, including this housing model, and looking to the future,
the Roadmap explores how to move the housing model from design to implementation. The Roadmap is indented is to identify potential avenues for forwarding the learnings gained through this Solutions Lab process.
For a detailed account of the next steps beyond the end of this project please see the "Roadmap" document.